Composer and musician Korlan composes and plays powerful and contemplative melodies
Many of which are inspired by her observations on how the natural world reflects her understanding of the subtlety and passion of human emotions.
As she herself explains
“Audiences who hear my music for the first time have described it as evocative and expressive. My music can communicate with everyone, it can connect to you. It does not matter your age or background.
Music is my way of expressing myself, a window into my own observations of the world around me, my understanding of life, nature, people and human emotions.
When I compose my music it does not come from endeavor. I don’t force it, it comes naturally to me,
when I have great, wonderful days or sometimes,, when I am going through hard / tough periods in my life. My music is there for me to express myself, to ‘talk’ through, to understand myself and my emotions.
It’s my faithful friend.
It’s an amazing therapeutic tool for me, It’s Magic!
Most of my music I hear first in my head, then I play it by ear, straight away, once recorded it is done.
In this way I capture the emotions and feelings of the particular moment, much as a camera would capture the moment on film”.